Thursday, April 2, 2009

Hopefully this too will pass...

Today I got the happy news that I have "dry socket."  I don't even like the sound of that.  They have treated it by putting in a little piece of gauze soaked in something that smells and tastes like cloves.  I'm getting sick of the taste and smell.  Tomorrow morning I go back in and they'll re-pack it.  :::sigh:::

Anyway, no work for me tomorrow.  The amount of narcotics I'm taking for the pain precludes driving.  Or doing anything productive, really.  

I also have four staples in my head, to be removed next week.  I had a mole removed about a month ago and it came back as a basal cell, so it had to be removed better.  And Chaelomen of course had to inspect the staple job.  My new nickname is the "Bride of Frankenstein."


1 comment:

TheWizard said...

Bride of Frankenstein??? more like a crude Borg implant.