Sunday, March 13, 2011

Oh yeah, and then there's the blood sugar...

I forgot to mention the blood sugar.  I've noticed that my fasting blood sugar was inching up, and I was a little ticked off about that since I am actually at my lowest adult weight.  What's up with that?  Then when I was poking around online I saw some research that linked taking glucosamine for joint pain with higher blood sugar.  I've been taking glucosamine for probably nine months to try to get my joints to be a little less achey.  Anyway, I don't know if the research is conclusive or not but I poked around and found a vegetarian alternative to glucosamine for my joints that supposedly won't affect my blood sugar and I have noticed that my fasting blood sugars are back down to 100 or less, which is where they need to be.  And so far the vegetarian stuff works as well or better than the glucosamine.

Unfortunately, I'm also having a little more problems with rebound hypoglycemia.  I have always had to be careful not to let my blood sugar get too high because not only will I have the long-term health problems associated with that, I also have a tendency to crash afterwards.  Lately I've noticed the crashing has been worse, though, even when I don't eat "bad" stuff.  I can get a spike just from eating normal stuff, which means it looks like I'm getting more sensitive to various carbohydrates.  And the crashing can be kind of scary for me and people around me.  I probably should start carrying more snacky type things in my purse.  I used to be better about that but it wasn't a problem for a while so I got out of the habit.

My doctor said if I lost 20 more pounds we could probably remove the diagnosis "diabetes" from my record.  Somehow I don't think so.


TheWizard said...

remove diabetes and add hypoglycemia...

Carolyn said...

I'll second what dad said. It would be really nice, though, if it would be gone.

I'm trying to keep myself from developing it by eating good stuff and losing weight. Hopefully I'll be able to keep it at bay.

Terrianne said...

And sometimes, it doesn't have anything to do with weight. My daughter, Shulamith, is a very healthy weight, not one bit overweight. Still, she is extremely hypoglycemic. If she doesn't get sufficient protein regularly, especially if she's had some carbs, the crash is terrible. And terribly frightening for her mom and her husband.