Other than that, today was NOT a good day. I was driving to work, minding my own business and listening to the radio. I opened the car gum (nice soft car gum, the little cube ones) and bit down and thought, "This gum has a little rock in it." Nope, not a rock. The gum had a chunk of my back tooth in it. Yep, on the way to work a piece of my TOOTH broke off. This wasn't that horrible hubba bubba, which is actually like chewing on a piece of cement, this was that nice soft kind of gum. I think the tooth would have broken no matter what I was chewing. But even so, it made me sad and I was feeling pretty sorry for myself most of the day. Especially when I called the dentist and they said they didn't have anything available appointment-wise till NEXT WEEK. I said that was NOT acceptable, so they decided they had an appointment available tomorrow morning. (Why in the world couldn't they have said that in the first place?!) Anyway, it doesn't hurt but I am fearful that it will begin hurting any time. Stupid tooth. Stupid gum. stupid dentist's office. I have been in a bad mood ever since.
And then I decided I would FINALLY do my visiting teaching letter and the STUPID COMPUTER (not this one, which is also horrible, but the one I can actually PRINT from downstairs) decided to die. And of course Gary was late getting home from work and was not answsering his cell phone so I couldn't ask if he knew what was going on with it.
I definitely need to go to visit Mickey.
So let's just say the little black cloud over my head is growing exponentially... Why is it when one non-life threatening thing goes wrong, life decides that would be a peachy time to heap another load or two of crap on you just for fun? Nothing earth shattering, just something to raise your blood pressure.
And no one here to know I'm upset except the dogs. Poor doggies.
The first is the one I made for my niece Megan, the second is the one I made for Amy and Brad. But the stupid computer won't upload it unless the picture is sideways!!!! I hate today.